About Us

Jehovah Tsebaoth Ministries

Who are we?

Apostle Grant and Prophetess Chantelle Farah founders and leaders of Jehovah Tsebaoth Ministries, are so delighted to have you visit our web page!

Jehovah Tsebaoth Ministries is a word based commission with a Foundational Deliverance mandate hence the Hebrew name “Tsebaoth” meaning “The Lord of Hosts or The God of War.”

We believe in the following pillars of Ministry






Holy Spirit



Spiritual Warfare

Our Mission

Equipping and Strengthening People for a Victorious Christian life.

Our Mission

Nations impacted for Christ by a Radical Militant Army of God.

Core Values

        P. Prayer is our lifestyle

We R. Reach out to the unsaved

We A. Answer to the call of God

We Y. Yearn for God’s presence

We E. Excel in serving God

We R. Relate at all levels

We S. Stay strong in God’s Word


We believe you have a responsibility and an active role to play concerning your deliverance and Victorious living as the scriptures say, Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it.

(Ezra 10:4 KJV)

As we join our faith together let’s stand to witness your glorious destiny manifest through Christ.